Saturday, April 25, 2009


there is always another day right?? :))

claudia signing off^
4:21 PM

hello babies.
good dayyy :))

days has passed fairly.
im into the third week of school now...
im trying to read into the books..
i am trying too :)
in other hand, by giving me a good teacher who can teach.
im not saying they cant but...
es would be schwierig to erklären the der Unterschied. *secret code*

life hasn't been really fair to me.
im just waiting for that day to erupt..

I have wept into the night
for my shortness of sight
that sumbody's need made me blind
but i never have yet
felt a tinge of regret for being a little too kind...

i have always try to think on the positive side
and not let my imaginations run wild...
I've tried welcoming the mind over matter theory.
trying to get hold of it.

when im save inside my room,i tend to dream of a place where nothings harder than it seems
no one ever want or bother to explain of the heartache life can bring and what it means
life is a journey it can take you anywhere u choose to go ,as long as ur learning,you'll find all you'll ever want to know.... im so lovin it.

claudia signing off^
4:20 PM

Thursday, April 16, 2009

video spree.......

syqin,eisk,ayub,ikthiar came to lepak at my plc......
they were playing card games and tango and blah blah blah.....
so the loser has to do the let me present to you the two losers.
ayub for the card game and eisk for the tango....
Doulet came over for

Ayub's forfeit for the Card game.looool

Eisk's forfeit for the Tango

This is Doulet....hahahahahaha.....check out how silly he looks.hahaha

claudia signing off^
9:56 PM

school has started for me......

at least im happy that im in the same class with some of my gerek kakis.haah
as well as the other classes.
today is the 4th day at school.i think we are slowly getting along pretty well...
except for one.... :))) ehh no offence ehh...
although i've got a arrogant face,but i think u are far much more worse than me....
at least ur friends willing to smile and talk.but you dont...soooooo dont complaint k...
we have got 2 fucking years to spend with each dont expect us to stay like this right for the rest of the year. i dont know luh.up to you...

we shouldnt compare our class last year and this year.coz this is only the 4th day maybe u can compare like 3 months later or even better one month enough already..

ouhh wells.

ouhh yeah...i've got a message to pok2
ur so fucking fugly.hahahhahaha........
i can do so much better than you.HUHU!

claudia signing off^
8:34 PM

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

isaaaaaccccc we are so gonna miss ur crazyness in school man!!!!
all the merepek-ness.hahahahaah
my meow meow!!!!
this is for you!!!


NDP parade face he will show.if the camera face him..hahahaha

claudia signing off^
3:07 AM

It's Me!


